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Acura Roadside Assistance with West Side Acura

Whether you're travelling through Canada or the USA, Acura Plus Roadside Assistance is always by your side. At West Side Acura, we're proud to serve Edmonton, St. Albert, Leduc and surrounding areas of Alberta. Our valued customers love to purchase their Acura from us and love to drive their vehicles throughout Canada. With Acura Plus Roadside Assistance, West Side Acura provides Acura owners assistance on the road 24 hours a day, throughout the year. Here are some of the advantages and protection plans provided:

Acura Emergency Service

Whether you're in need of a battery boost, gas delivery for refuelling on the road, changing a flat tire, Acura Plus Roadside Assistance is by your side. The only cost associated is the cost of fuel for refuelling purposes.

Lockout Service

If your keys are lost, stolen, broken or locked in your vehicle, contact Acura Plus Roadside Assistance for immediate help. The only cost associated is the for the replacement of the key.

Winching Service

Alberta's weather can change at a moment's notice, and our winters can be incredibly snowy. If your vehicle is ever stuck in snow, mud, a ditch, call for assistance and Acura Plus Roadside Assistance will cover you up to $300 per incident.

AcuraTowing Service

Your plan will cover your vehicle tow from the site to the nearest Acura dealership within 100 kms or your nearest preferred Acura dealer.

Emergency Transportation

With Acura Plus Roadside Assistance, if your vehicle breaks down within 100 km of your residence, you'll receive $300 towards a rental vehicle or taxi service and we'll tow your vehicle.

Trip Interruption Benefits

If you're involved in a collision and within 100 km of your residence, your plan will cover vehicle tow to West Side Acura or the nearest dealership within 100 km. For accidents that take place beyond 100 km range, your plan will cover your cost of car rental, accommodations, meals, and passengers' return to their residence in the event of hospitalization up to $1,000.

Emergency Message Service

In the event of an emergency, Acura Plus Roadside Assistance will make every effort to inform your loved ones or business associates if needed.

Dealer Locator Service

Access genuine Acura parts anywhere in Canada or the USA and receive information on the nearest Acura dealership for pick up.

Computerized Trip Routing Service

If you're planning a trip, contact Acura Plus Roadside Assistance 14 days prior and you'll receive a touring information package with computerized trip routing, details, places of interest and more.

Point of Interest Concierge

Need help finding a gas station, restaurant, hotel or more? Contact Acura Plus Roadside Assistance for information.

Additional Services

With the purchase of Acura Plus Comprehensive Plan, you'll receive the following additional services including Acura Plus Roadside Assistance:

Car Rental

If your vehicle repair requires more than 5 hours or if we don't have the necessary parts available at the time of your service, Acura Plus Comprehensive Plan will give you $45 per day for car rental (up to five days). This benefit cannot be claimed in addition to other car rental plans provided through Acura Plus Roadside Assistance.

Tire Road Hazard

If your tire is damaged due to a road hazard and your vehicle is deemed inoperable or unsafe to drive, Acura Plus Roadside Assistance will cover the cost of installation, balancing, and value of the OEM tire based on tread and depth of the tire at time of loss.

Sign Up Today

Looking to sign up for Acura Plus Roadside Assistance or require additional information? Feel free to contact us and our friendly product advisors will happily assist you.