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Acura Total Loss Protection with West Side Acura

Acura Appearance Protection Plan | West Side Acura

At West Side Acura, we ensure every vehicle we sell to our valued customers is of the highest quality. Acura's standards for the excellence of craftsmanship and manufacturing is of the highest grade and renown by Acura enthusiasts and the automotive world. Proudly serving Edmonton, Leduc, St. Albert and surrounding areas in Alberta, West Side Acura wants you to have the peace of mind knowing that you'll be taken care of in the event of a total loss to your vehicle's operational capability. With Acura Total Loss Protection, here are some factors to consider:

Acura Plus Gap Protection

If your vehicle is stolen or declared a total loss due to a collision and you have Acura Plus Replacement Warranty*, we'll have you in a new vehicle at no cost to you. This coverage is available if your vehicle insurance falls short of full of coverage.

*Prices may vary by make/model/year of the vehicle. In the provinces of Quebec and Manitoba, Total Loss Protection is also known as Replacement Insurance.