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How Often To Change Synthetic Oil

How Often To Change Synthetic Oil

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How Often To Change Synthetic Oil

With synthetic oil, you can expect to extend your vehicle's oil change interval, and it will provide superior protection to regular oil. Also, synthetic oils are engineered to include chemicals to help clean your engine's carbon deposits and maintain its performance. If your vehicle requires synthetic oil from the factory, then you can follow your model's specific change intervals to maintain your engine properly. If your vehicle doesn't require synthetic oil, but you choose to upgrade, you can follow the interval outlined on the oil change sticker or ask the technician performing the service for more information about your specific vehicle. Contact us to schedule a service appointment and get your vehicle the maintenance it needs.

Engine Oil Maintenance Importance

Changing your oil on time is crucial for your engine's overall health and operation since oil is a lubricant that prevents metal-to-metal contact inside the engine. As you drive past the specified interval for the oil, the oil will lose its lubricating properties and cause the internal component of your engine to wear out. In extreme cases, you could cause complete engine failure due to insufficient oil lubrication. Also, going over the interval can cause the oil to break down into sludge and carbon deposits, causing poor lubrication even after changing the oil. Avoid having preventable engine issues and visit our Service Centre to change your oil on time.

Changing Engine Oil in New vs. Old Vehicles

Older vehicles' oil change intervals depend on the driving conditions you put your vehicle through and the mileage. Under normal driving conditions, you will want to follow the manufacturer's recommended interval specified for your model. Vehicles that undergo severe service will need to follow the manufacturer's more rigorous interval schedule. Newer vehicles have an oil-monitoring system; although earlier versions were based on mileage and time, now newer systems determine the driving conditions and adjust the interval accordingly.

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