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How to Keep Your Vehicle's Battery from Dying this Winter

How To Keep Your Vehicle's Battery From Dying This Winter

At Westside Acura, we provide numerous automotive services to support drivers this winter, including battery tests, diagnostics, and maintenance. You are welcome to visit our dealership anytime to shop for a new Acura or bring your vehicle into our Service Centre to have it well taken care of by our factory-trained technicians.

Test Your Battery

A failing or weak battery could cause it to struggle to function during winter since the colder climate can bring additional stress onto the battery. For your vehicle's battery to function correctly throughout the seasons, you will need a good working battery that passes a voltage test and accepts charging from the alternator.

Clean The Battery Terminals

Sometimes, your vehicle's battery dying during winter could be a simple fix, such as corroded terminals that need a good cleaning. Any connection issues could cause minor issues during summer, which worsen during winter.

Drive Your Vehicle Regularly

Although it might seem intuitive, your battery could run out of charge simply due to lack of use, which you can avoid by regularly driving your vehicle. However, it could also be due to needing longer drives to charge the battery if you have a routine short trip. You can fix such issues by driving your vehicle longer and more regularly.

Plug The Battery To A Trickle Charger

If you plan to leave your vehicle without driving it or don't wish to drive it regularly, consider purchasing a trickle charger. You can maintain your battery's voltage without starting the engine with a trickle charger.

Contact Us

Don't hesitate to contact us to learn more about maintaining your battery this winter or book an appointment to visit our Service Centre to diagnose the problem.

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