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Tips For Maintaining Your Car’s Air Conditioning System

Tips For Maintaining Your Car's Air Conditioning System

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Tips For Maintaining Your Car's Air Conditioning System

Your vehicle requires maintenance to stay functioning as intended, and its climate control is a system that requires maintenance to keep the cold air flowing from the A/C. Don't neglect to keep up with your vehicle's A/C to avoid driving in a hot car during the summer, and visit us at Westside Acura to get your vehicle any maintenance or repairs required.

Run The Air Conditioner Once a Week For About 10 Minutes

This tip will maintain optimal gas pressure and keep your A/C compressor functioning at its best. While running the A/C, you will want to set it to the highest fan speed and coldest setting.

Run Defrost Mode For About 5 to 10 Minutes

Running the defrost mode is a great way to remove any moisture that can cause unwanted odours inside the cabin.

Use Your Air Conditioner in Winter

Other than helping defog your windshield, the A/C needs to be often running to stay ready for the warm summer days, so make sure to keep up with your A/C by running it during the winter.

Re-Charge Your Air Conditioning System

It's always a great idea to maintain the gas and lubricant of your A/C, so consider getting a recharge every two years or so to keep your A/C running cold and smoothly.

Get a Full Air Conditioning Service

Having your A/C checked for leaks or damage is a great way to reduce gas leaks, which can harm you, your passengers, and the environment. Once our experts check your A/C and it passes without any leaks, you can have it recharged and ready to serve you during the upcoming warm weather.

Contact Us

To book a service appointment for A/C repairs or service, contact us at your earliest convenience, and our Service Centre will gladly take good care of you and your vehicle.

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