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How To Enter Acura Radio Code

How To Enter Acura Radio Code

While enjoying your Acura, a day might come when its battery might get drained completely from sitting or leaving an accessory on, but no worries. Once you jump-start your vehicle, it might trigger the security system and lock your radio, which will require you to enter a code to unlock the radio's functionality. At West Side Acura, we strive to provide customers with the best selection of Acuras through our new inventory and helpful guides to support their ownership experiences.

Step-By-Step Finding & Entering An Acura Radio Code

Finding An Acura Radio Code

  • The first place to look for the code would be inside your owner's manual, so begin there and search for the Anti-Theft Indeinfition Card. (There will be two numbers on the right bottom side of the card, the top being the radio code in bold and the bottom is the serial code).
  • If you can't find the radio code card, look for the maintenance journal since the technician who performed the initial vehicle inspection could have written down the code in the specified slot in the journal.
  • If you can't find the card or journal, consider looking in the glove box for a sticker with two numbers, or it could be on the trunk or door jamb.
  • Lastly, if all efforts to find the code fail, but you have the serial number, you can contact Acura directly to request the code.

Entering An Acura Radio Code

  • Now that you have the code, you can begin entering it into the radio by pressing the power button until it displays the word "CODE."
  • Next, you will use the radio preset buttons to enter the five-digit code, and then you will be back to enjoying your favourite radio stations.

Contact Us

If you are still having trouble finding or entering the radio code, be sure to contact us, and we will do our best to help you. You can even book an appointment with our Service Centre, and they will gladly take care of the entire process of finding and entering the code for you.

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