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Maintenance Menus | West Side Acura

Here at West Side Acura in Edmonton, we pride ourselves on taking great care of our customers before and after the sale. Our service department is second to none, and our technicians stand ready to keep your Acura running like it was on the day you first drove it off our lot. To better assist that mission, we've created an online maintenance menu to help you look up your recommended Acura maintenance service intervals along with prices for regularly scheduled service items, and then to book your service appointment.

Using the Menu

When you first click on the menu link, you'll see a screen that lets you choose your vehicle's year. Let's say your Acura is a 2017 TLX (great choice!), with 12,000 km on the odometer. Here's what you do:

• Click on 2017, which brings up a grid of Acura models from that year
• Click on the "Acura TLX" icon. This takes you to a new screen
• Click on the dark blue line labeled "Trim." The trim levels for 2017 Acura TLX's will appear in a drop-down menu
• Choose your TLX's trim level

At this point, if there are additional options they will appear as additional dark blue drop-down menus against the light blue field labeled "Engine, Size, Drive, Transmission." These menus allow you to specify what kind of engine, etc your Acura has.

In the case of the 2017 TLX, there are two engine choices: an inline four-cylinder (labeled I4 in the menu) or a V6. So here's what you'd do:

• Click on the dark blue drop-down menu in the "engine" field. For the TLX, the choices in the drop-down are I4 and V6
• Choose your engine type. Let's say your engine is a V6. Choose that...

The "size" field is now filled in with 3.5L since that was the only V6 engine size available in 2017. But now there's a dark blue drop-down menu in the "drive" field, since the V6 was available with front-wheel-drive (FWD) or all-wheel-drive (AWD) in 2017. (Note: the options for your model may be different.) Let's say yours is an all-wheel drive model:

• Choose "AWD" from the drop-down menu
• "Automatic" is now filled in the "transmission" field since that was the only transmission available with AWD in 2017

Now you can fill in the mileage estimate. In this example, your TLX has 12,000 km on it. The mileage estimate field has already been filled in by default with 24,000, but you've been babying your TLX and you only have half that amount. Double click on 24,000 and type 12,000 instead. You can fill in the "Average Monthly" field with the kilometres you drive each month.

Now, click "Show Me the Details" to see your maintenance schedule!

The Schedule

Now you'll be looking at a grid of available maintenance options. Your next recommended maintenance is highlighted by a small blue arrow above the number. If you click on that arrow, a list of recommended maintenance options appears. Check off the services you want our service department to perform, and then click the "Book It!" button. The following screen will show you what you ordered.

• Click the "Next" button to proceed to the Appointment screen ]
• The next screen shows what service dates and times are available; choose your preferred time
• Then click next
• On the "Review and Book" screen, enter your contact information
• Click "Book It!"

Now your appointment is scheduled!