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Winter Tires

Some lucky car owners never see more than a few flakes of snow every year. Many Canadians, however, see more than their share over the course of the season. Of all the things that drivers can do to prepare for the Canadian winter, switching to snow tires tops the list. If you think that switching tires costs too much, takes up too much of your time, or just isn't necessary, the FAQ section below just may change your mind.

Do I Really Need Winter Tires?

Winter tires use a tread compound that stays flexible below 7 degrees Celsius and improves braking, traction, and handling in cold weather conditions.

How Much do Winter Tires Cost?

As with any tire, prices vary from size to size and from one manufacturer to the next. In general, though, expect to pay the same as summer or all-season radials. In the long run, winter tires can save money as your summer or all-season tires will last much longer.

When is the Best Time to Install Winter Tires?

Install your winter tires when temperatures begin to dip below 7 degrees Celsius on a regular basis or before the first winter snowfall.

When is the Best Time to Remove Winter Tires?

Because winter tires wear faster in warm weather, be sure to remove them when temperatures consistently exceed 7 degrees Celsius.

Is Changing Tires a Big Job?

No. from the time your car goes up on the lift, the entire process may be completed in less than thirty minutes, depending on the shop. Some owners even put their snow tires on aftermarket wheels. That way, all they need to do is swap the wheels - a fast and inexpensive job.

How Many Winter Tires Should I Install?

Regardless of vehicle type, it is always recommended that you install winter tires on all four wheels. Installing less than four could result in handling and traction problems during extreme conditions.

What About Vehicles with Traction Control?

Traction control systems only work effectively when tires are able to deliver traction on demand. Winter tires ensure that your wheels will grab the road when called upon.

What About All-Wheel and Four-Wheel Drive Vehicles?

When you accelerate, all and four-wheel drive vehicles enjoy improved traction by distributing power to all four wheels. But, when it comes to braking, only the proper tires will help you stop.

What About Areas That Don't Get Much Snow?

All-season tires harden when temperatures drop below 7 degrees. Even on dry roads, the softer more flexible rubber used for winter tires provides the traction and braking that just may save your life. If you're still not convinced then check out the 2015 Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC) Winter Tire Report. The report highlights the clear safety advantages of using snow tires to reduce accidents and injuries, save lives, and handle our snowy Canadian winters. No matter what vehicle you drive, if you're looking for winter tires in Edmonton, stop down at West Side Acura.