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Winter Car Maintenance Checklist

Winter Car Maintenance Checklist

Winter Car Maintenance Checklist

By visiting us at Westside Acura, you can shop for the latest Acura models with all-wheel-drive drivetrains to conquer winter or get your current vehicle winter-ready. We strive to support customers in acquiring their much-needed transportation and aim to provide them with helpful information to stay safe during winter driving.


Check Light Bulbs

Remaining visible to others on the road and seeing others is vital, especially in winter conditions, so check your vehicle's bulbs. Also, don't forget to check smaller bulbs, such as your turn signals, fog lamps, and others, to be able to communicate with others to avoid dangerous driving situations.

Install Winter Tires

Regardless of vehicle type, you want to install winter tires to drive safely on snowy and icy roads. Winter tires will maximize your control and traction, helping you get the best fuel efficiency during winter since you will avoid spinning your wheels due to lack of traction.

Replace Wiper Blades

During winter driving, you will want to maximize visibility, making it vital to have good wiper blades to keep your windshield clean. Also, you should check and top off the windshield wiper fluid to avoid visibility issues during your commutes. Winter-specific wiper blades are engineered with special rubber to perform best during cold drives. How-To Guide >

Check Battery

Your vehicle's battery requires constant attention and maintenance to continue serving you reliably, and cold winter temperatures can cause it to stop functioning as intended. Check the battery visually and have its voltage tested to ensure it's ready for winter.

Contact Us

You can contact us to schedule an appointment to have your vehicle winter-ready this season, and our experts from the Service Centre will gladly take good care of your vehicle during your visit.

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